

This area near Cherai Beach gets a daily deposit of plastic waste due to the currents of the bay. Fishing out the plastic is a costly operation and hence by donating 120 dollars, you get to ensure that the ocean plastic debris gets fished out and safely disposed for 10 days

Rag pickers move around gathering bottles littering the land. By paying them fair wages we can assure you that your contribution goes towards recycling of 1000 kilos of plastic bottles and a decent living wage for rag pickers for 4 days.

The people of Pudussery panchayath in Palakad district of Kerala are stressed for water. Thankfully there is rain for 3-4 months every year. By installing rain water harvesting units they can at least have storage of potable water for 6-7 months of a year.

Planatearth is on a Mangrove restoration drive. Mangrove saplings need to be maintained at least for 3 years before they thrive on their own. With just 50 dollars you get a mangrove tree in your name, tagged and branded.

John Fowle

David Bendle

Ed Lines
Underwriter - Syndicate 1084

Rob Callan

Michael Dawson
Underwriter - Syndicate 1176

Penny Shaw
Chief Risk Officer

Tony Gates
Head of Claims
